pen-img Handshake Legal

Welcome to contracts made simple. Pick what you think you need below. We’ll guide you through some questions. All information you enter is completely confidential. Once you submit, a contract will get generated on our end and we’ll reach out to you to finalize. It’s that simple.*

*Yes, there’s always a legal disclaimer (especially with us lawyers): If you are not yet a client of ours, then we need to enter into an engagement letter before finalizing your contract with you. You can still submit a request below, and we’ll follow up with an engagement letter first. Or, you can go ahead and start the engagement letter here.

Let's Work Together. (Really, we want to!)

When setting up your company or preparing business agreements, a well-practiced Virginia business lawyer could help save you from future headaches and costly litigation.

The legal professionals at our firm use our Handshake Portal to help get you started in the right direction for your contractual needs without the complicated legal jargon. To help minimize your legal costs, we provide these services at a fixed fee rate. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and get started.